By stage 3 of the circle of a handball life, youth handball, players will have a good level of skill and the focus now is on consolidating that level and gaining mastery of the game. As such, the motto for youth handball is “be skilful!”
Youth handball will help young people aged between 14 and 17 to cultivate life skills, have fun, make friends and define their personality.
On the physical level, youth handball continues the same elements of strength, speed, endurance, conditioning and mobility as at the previous stages, but by now starting to introduce basic body strength exercises and all forms of mobility and injury prevention.
Although youth handball can continue to be played with Goalcha and handball-at-school rules, at this stage specific attack and defence training is introduced, and other fundamental skills are broadened.
Competitive matches in youth handball consist of two 20-minute halves, while the playing time shall be equally divided among the players of the team.